This guarantee does not apply to TurboTax Free.

If not 100% satisfied, return within 60 days to Intuit Canada with a dated receipt for a full refund of purchase price.Does not include calculation errors due to errors in CRA tables. If you pay a penalty or interest due to a TurboTax calculation error, we will reimburse the penalty and interest.Claims are based on aggregated sales data for all NETFILE tax year 2020 TurboTax products.Testimonials are based on TurboTax Online reviews from tax year 2020 as well as previous tax years.Actual connection times and availability may vary. to 6 p.m., ET, Monday to Friday (except holidays). After May 2, English and French hours of operation will be 9 a.m. ET for French during tax season (from February 22 to May 2, 2022). to 12:00 midnight ET, 7 days a week for English, and 9 a.m. TurboTax experts are available from 9 a.m.

All prices are subject to change without notice.

Over the past 5 years, more than 24M returns have been electronically filed (using NETFILE) with TurboTax based on CRA NETFILE reporting.Support availability subject to occasional downtime for systems and server maintenance, company events, observed Canadian holidays and events beyond our control. Intuit reserves the right to limit each telephone contact. For Basic, Standard, Premier, Home & Business, Deluxe Online, Premier Online, and Self-Employed Online, technical support by phone is free.